Town of Randolph, Vermont
Randolph is a unique and enjoyable place to live, work, and visit. Although small, we are a relatively self-sufficient town. It would be hard to find another community that is more committed to its future and more active in the pursuit of excellence. The Downtown is part of the National Main Street Program. The village of Randolph Center is registered as a National Historic District, and the recreation opportunities offered locally provide services that many other small town residents need to go elsewhere to find.
Randolph is a diverse community retaining a strong agricultural base while also developing new opportunities for employment in state-of-the-art industries and work centers. The Town Government serves nearly 5,000 persons residing over an area of approximately 50 square miles. Principal governmental functions and services are provided via a Town Manager and staff, Town Clerk and Treasurer, Zoning Administrator, Assessor, and Highway, Recreation, Water and Wastewater Departments. Three separate service districts provide water, wastewater, and police support depending on the boundaries of the respective district. Randolph is served by three fire departments, the White River Valley Ambulance Service, and Gifford Medical Center. An elected Selectboard appoints members to a wide variety of advisory boards, committees, commissions, and councils that provide legislative policy and fiscal management.