

The Selectboard is the legislative and governing body of the town.  It adopts a budget that is submitted to the voters for approval; it sets the total town property tax rate; and it enacts and amends ordinances and adopts policies to govern conduct, activities, and conditions within the town.  The five members of the Selectboard are elected by the town voters at the Annual Election on officers held on the first Tuesday in March.  Members are elected to 2-year or 3-year terms; consequently, every March two members are elected.  There is no term limit.

The Board meets regularly on the second Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in Conference Room B of Randolph Town Hall located at 7 Summer Street.  From time to time special or emergency meetings may be held on an alternative date.  Regular meetings may also be held on an alternative date at the discretion of the Selectboard. For an up-to-date monthly schedule, please see the "Meeting Calendar" under "Announcements," or contact

By law, the Selectboard meetings are open to the public, and the Randolph residents are encouraged to attend.  Regular meeting agendas are required by law to be posted at least 48 hours in advance of a regular meeting.

Meeting agendas are posted on this website:

  • Drop the cursor on "Selectboard" under the heading "Boards, Commissions & Committees"
Agendas are also posted at:
  • Town Hall in front of the Town Clerk's office
  • Other online venues, such as Front Porch Forum.


Minutes of the Selectboard meeting can also be found on this website by dropping the cursor on "Selectboard" under the heading "Boards, Commissions & Committees".  By law, a hard copy of the minutes is to be made available to the public, five days following the meeting.

To view a hard copy of the minutes, please visit the Administrative Assistant's office and/or stop into the Town Clerk's office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Meetings are videotaped and replayed on ORCA Media Channel 17, the local access cable television channel.  Please click here to view information on ORCA media.

To view an in-depth guide to Vermont's Open Meeting Law, visit this site: Open Meetings (

Last updated Thursday, February 13, 2025