Randolph NDA Map
Neighborhood Development Area Designation
Since the 1970s the state has promoted development policies and programs that maintain and enhance Vermont’s historic development pattern of compact centers surrounded by a rural landscape. The Neighborhood Development Area program builds on this tradition by providing special permit and tax incentives for communities and developers that commit to building mixed-income housing within and adjacent to designated downtowns, village centers, new town centers, and growth centers.
Randolph's Neighborhood Development Area Designation was approved in October of 2021.
The benefits of Neighborhood Development Area designation include:
- Qualified “mixed income” projects are exempt from Act 250 regulations (To help find out if a project qualifies as a priority housing project that is exempt from Act 250 click here)
- Act 250 projects not qualifying for the exemption receive a 50% discount on application fees
- Agency of Natural Resources fees for wastewater review are capped at $50.00 for projects that have received sewer allocation from an approved municipal system
- Exemption from the land gains tax
- Limitation on appeals of conditional use permits for residential development
- Municipalities receive priority consideration for state grants