Budget Committee
As of March 2020's Town Meeting, the Budget Committee shall consist of 5 legal voters of the Town of Randolph, none of whom are serving on the Selectboard or are employees of the Town. Two members of the Budget Committee will be elected annually at Town Meeting for a term of 2 years and a term of 3 years. The Committee shall, at its first meeting following Town elections, elect from its membership a Committee chairman, a secretary, and whatever other officers a majority of the Committee members feel are necessary. Committee officers shall serve until the next Town Meeting and shall be eligible for reelection to subsequent terms. The Committee shall also, at its first meeting following Town Meeting, establish its rules of procedure for the coming year. Should a Committee vacancy occur, the Selectboard shall appoint to membership on the Committee any legal voter of the Town who is willing and qualified to serve and who is neither a member of the Selectboard nor an employee of the Town. The newly appointed member shall serve on the Committee until the next Town Meeting. One member of the Selectboard shall be appointed annually to be the liaison between the Selectboard and the Budget Committee. The appointed liaison is not a member of the Budget Committee but is charged with keeping the Committee and the Selectboard informed of the deliberations and activities of both groups. The Budget Committee will receive monthly reports on current budgets and spending from the Town Director of Finance and will request and receive from the Director of Finance and/or the Town Manager, any other reports or financial records that the Committee deems necessary. Annually, the Committee will receive the proposed Town budget from the Town Director of Finance, will review it, and will report its findings and/or recommendations to the Selectboard. The Budget Committee will meet with the Town Director of Finance throughout the year to review current and proposed budgets, such meetings to occur no less than quarterly. The Budget Committee will report to the Selectboard as it deems necessary or as requested by the Selectboard.
Please click here to view Article 28 from the 2020 Town Meeting minutes that contain the changes to the structure and function of the Budget Committee.
The Budget Committee will determine its meeting schedule annually at its first meeting following Town Meeting. Additional meetings are usually held as the budget process is nearing completion for the year. Monthly meetings may not be held during the early portion of the fiscal year (June - August) when there is little new data to analyze. Please contact Tamara Morgan at capgemlib@gmail.com to confirm the meeting schedule.
Committee Members
Joe Voci 2-year Term (Ends March 2026)
Jerry Ward 3-year Term (Ends March 2026)
Tamara Morgan (Chair) 3-year Term (Ends March 2027)
Ken Husher 2-year Term (Ends March 2025; completing an open 2-year term)
Open position 2-year Term (Ends March 2025)
Selectboard Liaison: Molly Mullen
The committee is staffed by the Town Manager and Finance Director.