Creation of Budget Committee
The Budget Committee is an advisory committee. It consists of 3 legal voters of the Town of Randolph, none of which are serving on the Selectboard. Each member is elected for a three year term, one member being elected annually at Town Meeting. Nominations for this committee will be accepted from the floor. The Budget Committee receives proposed budgets from the Town Manager, reviews the proposed budgets, and then brings recommendations to the Selectboard in joint discussion for their actions. This committee also reviews expense and revenue reports on a monthly basis and reports to the Selectboard with comments or concerns. At least quarterly, the Budget Committee make a formal report or presentation, updating the Selectboard on the current budget and any related financial matters. All information pertinent to the Town Budgets shall be made available to the members of the committee as requested. One member of the Selectboard is appointed annually by the Selectboard at the Board’s Organizational Meeting, to serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member. This member acts as a liasion between the Budget Committee and the Selectboard, but shall not chair the committee. A chairperson is chosed by the elected members of the committee. Meetings are held at least once a month and are open to the public.