Attention Randolph Village Water and Wastewater District Residents:

Attention Randolph Water District Customers!

If you received a letter from MSK Engineering in regard to your water service line and have questions, please call the Water Department at 802-728-9079.

The letter is notice of a completed inventory required by the EPA. Every water system in Vermont has or will complete a similar inventory. The Randolph Village water system chose to hire MSK Engineers to do the inventory; results are limited by what information is available (with older water lines, it’s not always very much information) or what can be determined through field observations. MSK went through all the known mapping that the Town has, and throughout the summer conducted inspections on individual homes.

If you received a letter from MSK, you fall into one of two categories: 1) Your water pipe is an unknown material (meaning it could not be identified through the mapping, documentation, or field observation); or 2) Your water pipe is galvanized and requires replacement. This outcome, wherein water pipes are unknown or galvanized, has been a common finding in other inventories in Vermont. It’s an indicator of system age, not any known issue.

The Water Department has a master spreadsheet for all of this; also, there is a written replacement plan available that has details for those who received the letters.

Again, please call the water department before jumping to any conclusions. 802-728-9079.  



The new North Reservoir located on the Ellis Lot is now online. Everything has been operating as it should with the tank. We have experienced some operational changes with the entire system, and we are currently working on those changes. This has resulted in a sudden increase in discolored water complaints. The 3 new wells are coming online soon, once that happens and everything has operated smoothly for the required 7-day trial period, the Water Department will flush dead ends and low spots throughout the system.

If you experience discolored water, call the Water Department at 802-728-9079 or email us at with your address in the subject line. 


Water and Wastewater Departments

Much of west Randolph and parts of Randolph Center are served by public water and wastewater services. (The village of Randolph Center is served by a public water system through the Randolph Fire District No. 1.) 

Each public service has its own ordinance (see below) and legal district that votes on budgets, bonds, etc. The Randolph Selectboard serve as the Water and Sewer Commissioners but it is the responsibility of the Town Manager to oversee the operation of the water and wastewater departments. In the mid-1990's, the Selectboard established a Water/Wastewater Advisory Committee that provides recommendations to the either the Selectboard, Town Manager or Water and Wastewater Superintendent.


Department Personnel and Contact Information:


Christopher Chambers, Water and Wastewater Superintendent
Office at the Wastewater Treatment Facility at 18 Hedding Drive
Telephone: 802-728-9079
Emergency pager: 802-250-0055