Requests for Billing Abatements

Occasionally, bills are higher than what customers expect.  If so, the customer should contact Kayla Shangraw at 802-728-5433 x 16 or email:  Water Department personnel will determine, upon inspection, if the meter is functioning properly.  If personnel determine that the meter is functioning properly, a service call fee may be assessed as indicated on the fee schedule below. 

Should the customer wish to request an abatement of his or her water and/or wastewater bill, he or she needs to abide by the abatement provisions in the Water and Sewer Ordinances.  Please note that the abatement request needs to be made in writing and within 30 days from the due date of the bill.  Abatement requests are usually reviewed by the Water/Wastewater Advisory Committee which provides a recommendation to the Town Manager.

Requests for wastewater bill abatements for filling of pools must be made prior to filling of the pool and on the form below.

Requests to run water to prevent freezing must be approved prior to letting the water run to qualify for an abatement.

Questions regarding abatement requests should be directed to Emery Mattehis at 802-728-5433 x 11 or email:

Pool Filling Form - Request for Wastewater Bill Adjustment