Requests for New Water and/or Wastewater Service

Property owners wishing to connect to the public water and/or wastewater systems must apply for allocations on the forms below and in accordance with the ordinances below.  Allocation requests are first reviewed by the Water/Wastewater Advisory Committee, which provides a recommendation to the Selectboard, acting as the Water and/or Sewer Commissioners.  The amount of allocation required is dependent on the use or uses of the building.  Once granted, a one-time allocation fee is assessed at the rate of $2.65 per gallon per day of water allocation and $5.00 per gallon per day of wastewater allocation.  Once paid, the allocation is non-transferable to another building or property.

A construction permit for the construction of water and/or sewer components (i.e. service connections) is required, the application form for which is below.

Questions regarding requests for new service connections should be directed to Jeff Grout, Zoning Administrator.