Randolph Listers' & Assessor's Office


The Randolph Board of Listers is a three-member board charged with the responsibility of determining the fair-market-value of real property in compliance with applicable Vermont State Statutes. The established property values serve as the base upon which the annual property tax rate is set by the Randolph Selectboard.  

The Listers manage property assessment information on behalf of the Town. Records on all properties within the Town of Randolph, regarding ownership, value and physical description, are available in the Listers Office. These records are continually being updated, generally as a result of a property transfer, current use application or a building permit. 

Most Lister files are accessible during regular business hours, but our work does require us to be away from the office at times. We encourage you to call and make an appointment if you wish to discuss your assessed value, or require a follow up visit based on an outstanding zoning permit. Property record cards can also be obtained at no charge, online. Visit www.axisgis.com/randolphvt 

 Lister's’ policy for access to public records

As per Title 1 V.S.A., Section 316, any person may inspect and/or copy any public Lister record during customary business hours. However, we encourage you to call and make an appointment if you wish to discuss your assessed value, or require a follow up visit based on an outstanding zoning permit. 


Listers Meeting Agendas

The Board of Listers have regular monthly meetings, usually on the first Tuesday of each month at 10:00 AM in the Town Hall. Agenda's are posted at least 24 hours before a regular meeting on the town's website and on the bulletin board at Town Clerk's Office.

Warnings for special meetings will be posted on the bulletin board at the Town Clerk's Office and the town's website at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, or as required by statute. 

(Documents are posted in PDF format. You can download Adobe Reader for free at: http://www.acrobat.com)

Listers Meeting Minutes

Draft minutes are posted for general reference only. To obtain an official copy, visit the Lister's office.

(Documents are posted in PDF format. You can download Adobe Reader for free at: http://www.acrobat.com)

Homestead Declaration Information

By Vermont law, property owners whose homes meet the definition of a Vermont “homestead” must file a Homestead Declaration annually by the April due date. If eligible, you must file so that you are correctly assessed the homestead tax rate on your property. The link below will provide the information you need to know as a property owner about filing your Homestead Declaration.  

Tax Department Homestead Declaration Webpage